21-24 March: Modern Coach - A seminar for young coaches
Seminar program
You can find the detailed program of the seminar on this page.
0: 20th March 2022
14:00-23:00 | Arrival and accomodation, Hotelli Kajaani |
18:00-20:00 | Dinner |
19:00 | Transportation to Vuokatti |
20:00 | EYOF 2022 Opening Ceremony |
21:30 | Transportation to Kajaani |
Day 1: 21st March 2022: Modern Coach - responsible coach
07:30-08:40 | Breakfast | |
09:00 | Transportation to the seminar venue, KAMK | |
09:30 | Opening of the seminar | Eero Simojoki/Teemu Takalo |
09:45 | Getting to know each other and tuning in to topics | Eero Simojoki |
11:00 | Coach matters – good coaching | Katja Kyckling |
12:00 | Lunch | |
13:00 | Coach´s responsibilities | Katja Kyckling |
14:00 | Fair Coaching - ethics of coaching | Frauke Kubischta |
15:00 | Break | |
15:15 | Fair Coaching - ethtics of coaching | Frauke Kubischta |
16:30 | Instructions for the Tuesday´s observation assigment | Eero Simojoki |
17:00 | End of the day 1 | |
17:00 | Transportation to the hotel | |
18-19:00 | Dinner, hotel | |
Day 2: 22nd March 2022: Modern Coach - Utilization of sport technology in coaching
07:15-08:15 | Breakfast | |
08:30 | Transportation to Vuokatti, EYOF venue | |
09:00-12:00 | Observation assignment of the coach's performance, group work | |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch, Vuokatti Areena | |
13:00 | JYU Sports Technology Unit - science meets coaching | Ritva Mikkonen |
13:30 | Coaching women – are they just small men? | Ritva Mikkonen |
14:00 | How to become a top coach - Case Iivo Niskanen | Olli Ohtonen |
14:45 | Break | |
15:00 | Biomechanics of endurance training, technology | Olli Ohtonen |
16:00 | Systematic testing, Mobility testing/TE3 technology | Saku Komulainen, Jarkko Kortelainen |
17:00 | End of the day 2 | |
17:00 | Transportation to Kajaani | |
18:45 | Tranportation to evening activity | |
19:00-21:30 | Bowling and dinner, Restaurant Pancho Villa |
DAY 3: 23rd March 2022: Modern coach – athlete development
07:30-08:30 | Breakfast | |
8:45 | Transportation to seminar venue, KAMK, | |
09:00 | Practical demonstration: Mobility, body control, movement skills | Jarkko Kortelainen |
11:00-12:30 | Shower and lunch | |
12:30 | The importance of mobility and body control for performance | Jarkko Kortelainen |
13:30 | Mental skills of an athlete - role of the coach | Robert Päkk |
14:30 | Break | |
14:45 | Monitoring strenght and power capabilities | Teemu Rauhala |
15:45 | The link between nutrition and performance | Oona Kettunen |
16:30 | Workshop for observation assignment | Eero Simojoki |
18:00 | End of the Day 3 | |
18:00 | Transportation to hotel | |
18:30-19:30 | Dinner | |
19:30-22:00 | Elias Sauna, riverside sauna |
DAY 4: 24th March 2022: Modern Coach - The public role
07:15-08:15 | Breakfast | |
08:30 | Transportation to Vuokatti, EYOF venue | |
09:00-12:00 | Observation assignment of the coach´s performance 2 | |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch, Vuokatti Areena | |
13:00 | The paths of a young coach - NOC | Peter Brull |
13:30 | The public role of the coach | Matti Alatalo |
14:00 | Coach and media - working with media | Sari Tuunainen |
14.30 | Workshop for group work | Eero Simojoki |
16:00-16:30 | End of the seminar | Eero Simojoki |
16:30 | Transportation to Kajaani, hotel, aiport, train station | |
18.30-19.30 | Dinner for those staying until Friday |